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Industrial Machine Trader

Industrial Machine Trader

Welcome to Industrial Machine Trader, a Catalyst Communications Company. As a trusted partner, we are dedicated to supporting the needs of each and every stakeholder.


Welcome to our new and improved website! We are thrilled to introduce you to our enhanced online platform, designed to provide you with a superior user experience that incorporates faster load times, seamless functionality, and powerful new uploading tools. We want to assure you that this transition is seamless, and you can continue to access our services without any disruption. At Industrial Machine Trader, we are dedicated to providing you with the best possible experience. These website enhancements are designed with your needs in mind, and we believe they will make your interactions with us even more productive and enjoyable.


As part of our latest upgrades, we’ve streamlined the process to make it easier for you to manage your content, create new content, and update your profile information. Get started with these simple steps:


1. Managing Existing Content: Please refer to the “Content” dropdown located in the top-left corner. To initiate modifications to your existing content, kindly select “Manage Contents.” This action will redirect you to a dedicated page that provides an organized view of all content items associated with Industrial Machine Trader. These items are conveniently categorized by Type, Created By, Title, Published Status, Created Date, Updated Date, and available Actions. Should you wish to edit existing content, simply click on the edit icon. This action will navigate you to a new page, where you will find sections for updating your content. Be sure to select the “Save” button after making changes to each section, and upon completion of your edits, select the “Publish” option to finalize the process. If you intend to remove your content, simply click on the trash icon. 


2. Creating New Content: Please refer to the “Content” dropdown located in the top-left corner. To create new content, kindly select “Add New Content.” This action will redirect you to a new page that allows you to select content type (profile, equipment, etc.), create a title, and input a slug / URL Alias. This action will navigate you to a new page, where you will find sections for creating the new content. Be sure to select the “Save” button after making changes to each section, and upon completion, select the “Publish” option to finalize the process.


3. Updating Profile Information: Access your profile settings by clicking on your user ID / name in the top right corner of your screen. From the dropdown menu that appears, select “Profile.” Within your profile settings, you can update various information including name and email address, timezone settings, address details, payment methods, password, enable two-factor authentication (for enhanced security purposes) and manage active browser sessions.


4. Help and Support: Our dedicated support team is here to assist you with any difficulties, issues, or concerns you may encounter. Please feel free to reach out to us at info@industrialmachinetrader.com, and we will be more than happy to assist you. We’re here to make your experience as seamless as possible and support you as you explore the full potential of our new website. 


Catalyst Communications Network (CCN)

Catalyst Communications Network is a data-driven communications and media company committed to supporting marketing brand teams by empowering and optimizing message distribution and communication plans aimed at the agriculture, construction, and industrial sectors. CCN utilizes its internal technical tools and it’s extensive network of industry stakeholders and data cultivated over 58 years of publication excellence, to offer clients opportunities for agile and tactical engagement with high-value targets.

Powered by Catalyst Communications Network.